It is important to recognise that during assessment you may disagree with your Assessor’s
decision regarding the evidence you submit. If this situation occurs, you must follow the
procedure below. Candidates will have the right of appeal against an Assessor’s decision if:

• You are dissatisfied with the way the assessment was carried out
• You disagree with the assessment decision set against the performance criteria
• You are unhappy about the number of opportunities offered to demonstrate competence
• You feel you have experienced discrimination in the assessment process


If you think any of the above apply, you should firstly discuss this with your Assessor. Your
Assessor will make a record that the decision was appealed against. You will be given a
clear explanation regarding the decision and issues relating to your evidence.

Should you remain dissatisfied, then you must formally submit an appeal in writing within 10
days of receiving the Assessor’s decision about your competence. The appeal must be
submitted in writing. This should be sent to the:

Operations Manager
75 St John’s Street
East Yorkshire
YO16 7NW

The Candidate will receive an acknowledgement in 7 working days.

If, in the opinion of the Operations Manager, there are sufficient grounds to doubt the validity of the candidate’s assessment, an Independent Assessor will be appointed. This person may be the Internal Verifier or a second Assessor /Internal Verifier from within the Company or an accredited Assessor for the award from an External or Independent Centre. The appointment will depend upon the nature and magnitude of the complaint, derived from the evidence presented in support of your appeal. You will be informed of the result of your
appeal within 20 working days of Activfirst Ltd receiving the receipt and acknowledgement of the appeal application and supporting evidence.

Nothing in this procedure takes away the Candidates right to appeal directly to the Awarding Body if still dissatisfied after the above process.

Possible outcomes of the Appeals Procedure:
• The Candidate is re-assessed
• Evidence is re-appraised
• Request for additional evidence
