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How to Discuss Career Progression in the Workplace - Activfirst

In our last post we discussed how Continuing Professional Development can help set the standard for your CV and help you reach your career goals.   But how do you start this conversation with your employer?  Approaching the subject of career progression within the workplace can be daunting.  Given that it is much easier to stick to what we know, as employees we can look for excuses not to discuss reaching that next level for fear of failure or the unknown.  But by doing this, are we selling out our future career for short term comfort?  It is commonly said that nothing great can occur in the comfort zone.  In this post we will look at how to start this conversation with an employer.

How to Discuss Career Progression in the Workplace

Instigating career progression is not just about setting goals and targets within your own mind.  You need to develop  the confidence to discuss these goals and targets, with both your peers and employer.  Talking about progression within your job role shows a readiness to challenge your own ability and a desire to learn more.  Having open and honest discussions with your employer can be a great way to develop ideas and show your commitment to your chosen career.  This conversation only seeks to benefit the company, and yourself, in the long run.  

There are many ways you can approach the discussion, ranging from: 

  • asking your manager for an informal chat over coffee or lunch 
  • raising the subject within the confines of a formal appraisal 

Either way, preparation is crucial.  Decide what your expectations and targets are beforehand and then be confident when communicating these during the conversation.   

If you are feeling nervous, why not draw upon points from our previous post to pitch the business case for investing in and valuing staff.  To make it even easier, we have highlighted the key points below.

Instigating career progression is not just about setting goals and targets within your own mind.  You need to develop  the confidence to discuss these goals and targets, with both your peers and employer.  Talking about progression within your job role shows a readiness to challenge your own ability and a desire to learn more.  Having open and honest discussions with your employer can be a great way to develop ideas and show your commitment to your chosen career.  This conversation only seeks to benefit the company, and yourself, in the long run.  

Even if career progression does not happen overnight, having the discussion shows your employer that you are ready and willing should an opportunity arise.

Just remember, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain!

If  you require training to achieve your career progression we may be able to help.  You can check out our Apprenticeship service offer by clicking this link.  Or browsing through our Qualification Prospectus below: